The Association of West Country Tourist Guides


AGM 2015

A successful AGM was held at the Dartmoor Lodge Hotel, Ashburton, many tourist guiding issues were discussed and a representative from the Guild of Registered Tourist Guides attended, a new committee was elected (see Committee page) and an excellent lunch was enjoyed by AWCTG members. During the afternoon visits were made to Buckfast Abbey where we were welcomed by Abbot David, who gave a fascinating talk and tour of the Abbey; The Valiant Soldier in Buckfastleigh - the pub where time stood still, well worth a visit to see a pub that has not changed since it closed in 1965. Additionally the Valiant hosts a 1914-1918 exhibition and the Buckfastleigh Museum, full of interesting information about the town and its woollen industry. Lastly some members enjoyed a visit to Holy Trinity Church and Cabell's Tomb - thought to be the source of inspiration for Arthur Conan Doyle's Hound of the Baskervilles. Although the church is now a ruin due to a fire in 1992, reputedly set by Satanists and Devil Worshippers, the churchyard was full of snowdrops and has a wonderful view of Buckfast Abbey in the valley below.